Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What do I do if I get an error message when I try to login?
Navigate Slug Success access is limited to undergraduate students who are enrolled in classes at UCSC for the current or upcoming term. Slug Success access is available to staff who have requested accounts.
If you are a current staff member or enrolled undergraduate student and you receive the error message like the below, contact UCSC Slug Success user support at slugsuccess-help@ucsc.edu (please do not contact EAB).
“Navigate360 Central Authentication Failure” “Your Authentication Was Successful, But It Looks Like You Don’t Have an Account in Navigate360. Please Contact Support At slugsuccess-help@ucsc.edu to See Why Your Username (CruzID@ucsc.edu) Was Not Found”
How do I access Slug Success?
If you are a staff member with an active Slug Success account, you can access the main Slug Success site or the training site by using these links or buttons on the Slug Success website. Use your Cruz ID and gold password. Preferred browsers are Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. We do not recommend using Internet Explorer or other browsers. If you have trouble with accessing the site, please contact slugsuccess-help@ucsc.edu. If you need an account or want more information about accessing Slug Success, please contact us.
Which reasons should advisors use when setting up availability?
College and Major/Minor advisors should refer to this Google doc when setting up availability to ensure students are able to see available appointment times (NOTE: Updated Summer 2024)
How do I request a change to the settings/configuration for my location in Slug Success?
Please email slugsuccess-help@ucsc.edu to request Virtual Check-Ins, add or modify a Location Description, or modify appointment parameters for your location in Slug Success. Once your request has been submitted, your location will be updated within 48 business hours and you will receive an email confirming the changes have been made.
What’s the difference between the Slug Success Main site and Training site?
When you’re logged in to the main site, the top bar is blue. When you’re logged in to the training site, the top bar is bright green. Please note that anything you do in the main site becomes part of the student record. The training site is a sandbox and should be the site you use for practice and exploring new functionality.
I missed a recent EAB webinar/presentation. Can I get access to the recording?
Usually when EAB makes a presentation to our campus community, we get access to a recorded version of that presentation within a few days. If you missed an EAB presentation or webinar, please feel free to email slugsuccess-help@ucsc.edu and let us know that you’re interested in accessing the recorded version. We will provide you with a link to the recording as soon as it’s available.
How do I report problems with the Slug Success System and/or my account?
Report all problems you encounter with the Slug Success system and/or your account to slugsuccess-help@ucsc.edu. This will automatically generate a help ticket, and you’ll be sent updates via the IT Request system.
How does an undeclared or unregistered student schedule an appointment with a departmental advisor?
Currently registered students who are undeclared, looking to add or change their major/minor, or with a declared major in another department must select one of the reasons listed below when scheduling their appointment, and then select from the available options in the Locations list. If the desired location is not listed, the student must contact the advisor outside of the Slug Success system to schedule an appointment.
Undeclared students may select from these reasons to meet with a major advisor:
- Academic Planning/Guidance
- Choosing/Exploring a Major/Minor
- Declaring/Adding/Changing a Major/Minor
Students who are not currently registered (including new admits, readmits, and students on leave) must contact their advisors outside of Slug Success.
Advisors who need assistance setting up their availability may contact Slug Success support via slugsuccess-help@ucsc.edu.
How do I get a new account or change an existing account?
New Slug Success staff accounts can be requested via Slug Hub (slughub.ucsc.edu). Please login to that system and look for the “Slug Success: Request New, Change or Remove access” request link. The request will need to be approved prior to the account being created, so please ask the supervisor to look out for the approval email so they can reply accordingly.
Before being granted access to Slug Success, each user must first complete the online Electronic Note Taking training and FERPA training. These can be completed before or after the request has been submitted.
Undeclared students may select from these reasons to meet with a major advisor:
- Academic Planning/Guidance
- Choosing/Exploring a Major/Minor
- Declaring/Adding/Changing a Major/Minor
Advisors who need assistance setting up their availability may contact Slug Success support via slugsuccess-help@ucsc.edu.
How do I get in-person training and support for using Slug Success?
Please send an email to slugsuccess-help@ucsc.edu to make a request. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.
How can student employees (front desk assistants, peer advisors, etc) use Slug Success for their work?
Student employees can have additional roles added to their accounts that will enable them to assist advisors and other staff as needed. For more information about the different roles available to student employees, please see the Student Roles page.
How can I use Slug Success to add the same Note to every student on a student list?
Go to your student list and check the check boxes next to those students who need the note (or check the box at the top of the list to get everyone in the list). Then, under Actions (top left of the box), select Note. This’ll bring up a box that shows all the affected students’ names on the right side and the standard Note text box on the left. When you click Save Note, it’ll add that same note to all of those students’ profiles. This process can also be used to add Appointment Summaries to students’ profiles.
What is the difference between a student list and a saved search?
Please take a look at EAB’s guide on Saving Lists of Students. Please note that the guide refers to “Navigate360” which is their brand name for UCSC’s Slug Success system, and you must be logged into the Slug Success system’s internal Help Center site before clicking the link to view the guide.
I’m an advisor, how do I add a report for a student employee (i.e. a peer advisor)?
For any student who has multiple roles in Slug Success (usually because they have a Peer Advisor/Mentor/RA etc. role), the Report on Appointment link will be missing from their profile page. To get to the student screen, click the arrow to the right of the person’s name and select “[Name] (student)” from the drop down to get to their student page. Then you can Report on Appointment like usual.
How do I use the kiosk/card swiper to log student check-ins?
This google doc has instructions for setup, use, and reporting with the USB ID card swiper.
What are the four digit term codes that appear in some student categories?
The four digit term codes are as follows:
- The right most digit values are 0 for Winter, 2 for Spring, 4 for Summer, and 8 for Fall
- 2240 refers to 2024 Winter (the second digit in the year 2024, 0, is suppressed).
- 2242 refers to 2024 Spring
- 2244 refers to 2024 Summer
- 2248 refers to 2024 Fall
How do I add a Navigate Slug Success login button to my email signature or department website?
Email Signature: Copy and paste the following button into email signature settings:
Alternatively, if the button does not work, you can try copying and pasting the code below for the website.
Website: For webpage users, copy and paste the html code below for the login button into your webpage’s source/html code editing tool, and it should look like the Navigate Slug Success login button above:
<a href=”https://ucsc.navigate.eab.com“><button style=”cursor: pointer; background: #3579b7; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #3579b7, #00458c); -webkit-border-radius: 10; -moz-border-radius: 10; border-radius: 10px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #000000; font-family: Arial; color: #f1b521; font-size: 20px; padding: 10px 20px 10px 20px; text-decoration: none;”>Navigate Slug Success Login</button></a>
How do I get additional help and/or information?
If you are unable to find the information you need through the resources on this website, please contact slugsuccess-help@ucsc.edu. This will automatically generate a help ticket, and you’ll be contacted soon via the IT Request system.