Student Roles
In the Slug Success system, users have specific assigned “Roles” that determine what information and which pages they’re allowed to view and interact with. If you have a student employee working in your office who may need to have additional access to Slug Success in order to do their job, please take a look at the following information to determine which role(s) your student needs.
By default, all currently enrolled undergraduate students can do the following in Slug Success:
- Login using their CruzID and Gold password
- View their current enrolled classes, schedule, and instructor(s)
- The above info is also available for previous quarters along with their posted grades
- View availability and schedule appointments with advisors or other staff who have set up appointment availability in Slug Success
- View upcoming scheduled appointments
- Cancel upcoming scheduled appointments
- View available drop-in times for departments that have drop-in availability in Slug Success
- Send a message to their assigned advisors and faculty (those messages will be forwarded to the associated user’s email inbox)
In addition to the above, students with the Front Desk role can:
- Access Appointment Center mode to do the following:
- Search for students
- Create and edit Advising and General appointments (for staff who have set up appointment availability in Slug Success)
- Check students in (and remove check-ins) for scheduled and drop-in appointments (for staff who have set up drop-in availability in Slug Success)
- Send messages to students and staff with Slug Success accounts (messages will be forwarded to the user’s UCSC email inbox)
Students with the Peer role can:
- Add availability (appointments or drop-ins) so they are available for student appointment scheduling and check-ins
- View students in the appointment queue for their location, start appointments, and create summary reports for students in the queue
- View and modify summary reports that they have created
- Access Appointment Center mode to do the following:
- Check students in for their appointments (scheduled or drop-ins)
If you have questions about the different student roles in Slug Success, please send an email to slugsuccess-help@ucsc.edu.
Supervisors only: If you want to request the Front Desk role to be added to your student employee’s Slug Success account, please send an email to slugsuccess-help@ucsc.edu and include the student (or students’) name, and SID#. If you want to request the Peer role to be added to your student employee’s Slug Success account, please submit this Google form.