How to Schedule an Appointment in Slug Success
You can set up a time to meet with your advisor, counselor, or other staff member using Navigate Slug Success. Login to Navigate Slug Success, then follow these steps to get started:
Follow these Steps
On your Home Page, click Appointments, then “Schedule an Appointment“

The New Appointment page will open.

On this page, select the type of appointment you’d like to schedule and the reason that comes closest to why you are scheduling the meeting from the drop-down lists, and your preferred meeting date. Click the “Find Available Time” button to proceed.
On the top of the next page, the options you selected will be displayed and are “locked”. These options can’t be changed unless you select the Start Over link.

On the left is a filter panel that also shows the options that you’ve chosen, a calendar to pick a date for the appointment, and more filters to narrow appointment options. You can narrow by staff name, location, and/or course, and adjust those filters as needed. The main panel will update to reflect your filter choices automatically.
Important: When you select a date, the scheduling feature shows appointments from that start date until 30 days after the start date. Dates with available appointments will have a dot underneath them in the date picker calendar.

The main panel of the scheduling page shows available locations with appointment slots.

You can select one of the locations from the list to see available appointments in that location. You can also select the link within each location that says [#] People to open a list of staff members with available time slots.
If you choose a staff member from the list, the appointment list shows only time slots that the staff member has available.

You can remove any option from your current filter(s) by clicking the X next to that filter.

Once you’ve chosen an appointment time, regardless of filters chosen, the Review Detail page opens.

On this screen, you can enter a comment to share with the staff member you’ll be meeting with, and decide if you want email or text reminders (by default, you will receive an email reminder the night before your appointment). Once all the options are set, click Schedule. If your appointment is scheduled, you will get a success message and the option to View Appointments or Schedule Another Appointment.

Other types of appointments
You can schedule appointments with your assigned College or Major/Minor Academic Advisors by clicking the Schedule an Appointment button and choosing Meet Your Success Team under Other Appointment Options.

A list of your College and Major/Minor Academic Advisors will appear

Clicking the name of one of your Advisors will open the New Appointment page. You may need to select the reason for your appointment, and then you will be taken to the page with your Advisor’s time slot options.
In some cases, you may need to see more options, or the staff member may have no availability. In Other Appointment Options, you can click See All Scheduling Options to broaden the options available.

Drop-in appointments
If you aren’t finding the options you need through scheduling appointments, you may be able find a drop-in appointment (availability of drop-in appointments may vary by department). You can set up a drop-in appointment from several places in the scheduling workflow if the options chosen have drop-in availability. The first place is on the New Appointment page in the Other Appointment Options section.

Another place to change to the drop-in workflow is on the appointment list.

A third place is at the bottom of the appointment list in the Don’t see anything that works for you? section.

No matter where you’ve chosen the View Drop-in Times option, the View Drop-In Times page opens.

Select the location where you want the drop-in appointment. A list of staff appears with their drop-in availability, along with information from each staff member which may include further instructions on how to access drop-ins. In some locations, there may also be an option to Check-in with first available.
Where availabile, if you choose either Drop-in Online with a specific staff member or Check-in with First Available, you will be checked in and see a success message with more information.
Requesting an Appointment
If neither drop-in nor scheduled appointment options work for you, for some departments you may request an appointment time. You can request an appointment either on the first page of the appointment scheduling workflow or in the Other Appointment Options on the appointment list page.
Responding to an Appointment Request
If you have received an email invitation to schedule an appointment, it will appear in the Appointment Invites section on your Appointments page

When you click on the Schedule This Appointment button, a scheduling page appears with the options in the appointment invitation pre-selected. You will also get these links in your email when an invitation is sent out. Clicking the link shows the same page as if you had clicked Schedule This Appointment.

Selecting a time slot takes you to the Review Detail page as it does when scheduling an appointment in other circumstances.
After scheduling an appointment, the appointment shows on your Upcoming Appointments panel. It also appears on the Appointments page you can reach by clicking View Appointments in a success message.

In addition, you and the person with whom you’ve scheduled your appointment will each receive an email confirming that the appointment has been scheduled.
If you would like to cancel the appointment, head over to the Canceling an Appointment guide for a step-by-step walkthrough.